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Thursday, January 13, 2011


So finally there is some good music on the charts. One of my favorite bands since I was 17 has finally made it and that band is called The Black Keys. For those who haven't heard about them yet you should definitely check them out. They are a mixture of blues, soul, and punk. Their first records were very minimalist and focused more on the chunky guitar riffs and loud drumming. It is kind of shocking to see that on their 6th record they finally garner some success. It almost harkens back to the 60's and 70's when artist development was key and that bands didn't put out their best records until their 3rd or 4rth records came out. This is the pattern The Keys have followed. If this were 1973 they would easily be one of the hottest bands out there and would be in the same ranks as The Stones, Zeppelin, and The Who. Along with My Morning Jacket, The Black Keys are bringing solid rock and roll back to the mainstream where it is needed most. I am so tired of shitty rap and constantly uncreative pop songs. I can respect certain aspects of some of these acts. I am not a fan of Kanye but I understand why people are. He is a good lyricist and producer but his music isn't for me. Lady Gaga is basically doing what Madonna did almost 30 years ago. I don't know why people keep calling her original she is literally following the same path as Madonna. Anyways, enough of my ramblin I'm gonna put some videos up of some great rock and roll that is still out there today....

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